E-PROCUREMENT is the online bridge between the buyer who wish to source products/services and the seller who wish to bid to supply the same to the company. Managing procurement and tenders are very time consuming exercise with a lot of paper work involved. Manual systems have some merit but are prone to errors and cannot deal with growing volumes of tenders to be managed by both buyers and sellers. More over the Financial bid, confidentiality is the key criteria to avoid the malpractices in any organization.
iBusiness offers, the complete end to end E Procurement Software Solution, which helps a company to effectively manage complete life cycle of a Tender starting from purchase indent to Purchase order through all processes like Vendor Registration, evaluation, RFP, Online Tendering, Tender publishing, registering of vendors to participate in tender,Tender evaluation Online Secure BID Submission, Bid evaluation etc.
RFP Publishing: RFPs can be publishing in different modes as global , public or limited, it automatically goes live on the publishing date in the website. The vendors receives MAIL/SMS alerts on the plotting of RFP.
BID Opening: The Submitted BIDs Values are kept encrypted in the system can't be even visible to the officials before tender opening. It can't even opened prior to the date too.On the tender opening date, the BIDs can be opened using concurrent keys of multiple users who are authorized.