iBusiness suite Academic ERP offers an integrated Academic ERP solution to cover the functionalities in depth of any Institution/University/Group of institutions. Academic ERP manages the information efficiently and provides effective automation of process of entire institution. iAcademy supports by Role based Access Control. The system manages the complete academic life cycle of each student efficiently by tracking the data right from the time o application,, through their graduation, till they become a part of the alumni of the institution. Being a core application, it reduces efforts by eliminating data entry at multiple points, thereby reducing chances of data errors.
It is has web access as well as back-office modules. Through the web access parents/students can login to the portal and can gather necessary information.
iAcademy is featured with powerful tools to makes it possible in generating schedules, calendars, reports, generate attendance records, grade checks, report cards, staff scheduling, student discipline, progress notes, and more at the touch of a button.